Prioritising heritage and sustainability as we grow.
With the State Government targeting an 83% increase in dwellings in Stonnington (equivalent to an extra 4,014 dwellings in Stonnington every year for the next 28 years), prioritising good design is crucial. We must ensure that any growth respects heritage and creates a sustainable, high-quality future for South Yarra.
My architectural background gives me a unique perspective to ensure every decision builds a greener, more sustainable South Yarra for generations to come.
Achievements this term
Protecting Our Neighborhood
I've used my architectural expertise to challenge inappropriate development and design, ensuring new projects enhance, rather than detract from, our community's character.
I've introduced a levy for major developmetns so that funds are being contributed towards urgently required local community infrastructure upgrades.
Preserving Our Heritage
I'm proud to have secured heritage protection for an additional 318 properties, safeguarding our unique history and architectural legacy for future generations.
Leading on Climate Action
As Chair or Deputy Chair of the Climate Emergency Action Committee for the past three years, I've worked tirelessly with the community to implement our Climate Emergency Action Plan. This includes advancing a circular economy, delivering community education programs, introducing a single-use plastic ban, encouraging solar installations, and increasing biodiversity. I've also proudly represented Stonnington on the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action, collaborating with other councils to accelerate regional climate action.
Creating a More Sustainable Stonnington
I've championed free admittance to public pools on very hot days, ensuring equitable access to heat relief while reducing reliance on energy-intensive cooling options. I also proudly supported the Nature Strip Planting policy, recognizing that increasing biodiversity is essential for a healthy urban environment and helps mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Challenges to Come
Jam Factory Redevelopment:
While we anticipate a positive transformation, construction impacts must be minimized and the community engaged in design changes to ensure the final project truly benefits our neighborhood.
South Yarra Heritage Review (Due 2025):
As the last Stonnington suburb awaiting this crucial review, South Yarra deserves swift action. Let's prioritize finalizing this process to protect the unique character of our streets and neighborhoods.
New Climate Action Plan:
Our community's vision is key to a successful climate plan. We need to collaborate closely with community to ensure it delivers on Stonnington's aspirations for livability, sustainability, and climate leadership.
With a state-mandated fourth rubbish bin on the horizon, we need to review of our waste management practices to ensure we're equipped to meet this challenge.
Stronger Definitions of Community Development:
Current guidelines allow developers to sidestep meaningful contributions to our streetscapes and surrounding areas. We need stricter definitions to ensure all major developments prioritize a net positive impact on our community.
Open Space Strategy (Overdue for Review):
Stonnington already faces a critical shortage of open space. With increasing densification, our existing parks and green spaces will be stretched even further. We need a proactive strategy to increase and maximize these vital resources for the well-being of our community.